Waylon showing his spirit - still working on his trick to Call the Hogs...hard to stand up on those short little back legs to get in a good Wooooo...
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Go Hogs Go!
At the Arkansas vs. Texas A&M game at Cowboys Stadium - Video tried to capture the essence of the stadium and the enormous screen - whole stadium experience was awesome and we won! Go Hogs!!

Waylon showing his spirit - still working on his trick to Call the Hogs...hard to stand up on those short little back legs to get in a good Wooooo...

Waylon showing his spirit - still working on his trick to Call the Hogs...hard to stand up on those short little back legs to get in a good Wooooo...
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Arkansas Trip
Thursday, August 6, 2009
She flies through the air
Friday, July 31, 2009
I traveled to Rwanda from July 8th - 23rd for work. It was definitely an interesting experience. The country suffered from the horrible genocide in 1994, but had made remarkable progress. It is one of the cleanest and safest countries that I have visited. To keep it clean, they have outlawed plastic bags! Here's a few pictures from the trip.
I wasn't able to get too many pictures of the countryside since we were usually zipping by in a car...but here's one in Kigali...it really is the land of 1000 hills and there is always a great view with rolling hills for miles...
Baskets, baskets everywhere...even on the national seal and money...these were actually being prepared for export to the US to be sold at Macy's
Paul, Mark and Patrick enjoying a glass of warm milk at the local milk bar...I declined to try to the warm milk...makes me queasy just thinking about it...yuck...
The country's main exports are tea and coffee and here's a tea field
An exmple of the houses in the rural areas made of adobe bricks
Here is the hotel from the movie, Hotel Rwanda: http://www.unitedartists.com/hotelrwanda/intro.html
This building is across the street from the hotel and I forget the significance, but you can see the bullet holes from the fighting during the genocide
They have constructed many genocide memorials throughout the country to remember the atrocities and to remind people so that it will not happen again. There is a main museum and memorial visit in Kigali that includes the history and documents the genocide that killed 800,000 - 1,000,000 people in Rwanda.
This is from the Murambi Memorial Site: "A school where 27,000 people were killed. A stark, shocking monument, hundreds of corpses are temporarily preserved and currently displayed in the school."
A smaller memorial at the National University of Rwanda
We went to Rwanda to evaluate the feasibility of procuring food from smallholder farmers for school feeding programs. Currently, the main school feeding programs in Rwanda are through the World Food Program with commodities from the US through the McGovern-Dole Food for Education program so all that to explain...we visited schools and here are several of the secondary school students greeting us with a traditional dance...
Preschool students enjoying their mid-morning snack
Secondary-school students enjoying their lunch - this program was actually funded by the parents of the students
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Happy Birthday Waylon
Sunday, June 28, 2009
June Highlights
So, I'm pretty behind on an update so here's a few from June including my 30th birthday:
I have always wanted stained glass numbers for out house to go in the transom above our door. I have hinted and hinted for years about this gift and I finally got it (sort of). Spanky didn't want to pick it our for me so he arranged glass beer bottles in the front year to say our street number "403" and then "Happy 30 Erin" with a smiley face at the bottom. I had taken my parents to their hotel so I came back and found it in the yard. He did a good job and I finally get my stained glass! above picture is Chandler and I are posing with the masterpiece along with my balloon and wine from him - below picture is Spanky with his work of art

Mom put a pink flamingo in our yard so everyone would know that it's my birthday - she's says that it's a tradition in Texas, but I don't remember one from my first 18 birthdays in Texas...she also bought me a tiara and feather boa to wear at the restaurant and she decorated the restaurant...she has those photos and we'll see if they get released

It has rained and rained and rained and rained here - not just sprinkles, but down pour almost every day - we do not get these type of weather in DC and while, it's been nice for the plants, it really sucks
Tomatoes!! So, I had a miserably failed attempt to grow tomatoes in 2007 so I am trying again. I have to put the plant on the patio table so that it will get enough sun. This is when I first saw the two tomatoes - they had been growing great and one was even turning red until I looked outside this morning and saw that one had been taken by those bastard squirrels - Spanky offered to take care of that problem if I'd just get him a pellet gun - I am seriously considering after they took my prize tomato - they better not take the other one or it's on...
Bekah, Shawna and I at Argonaut.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Here's the second part of the trip to Europe - Austria! We were so lucky to have wonderful friends, Miguel and Gaby, in Vienna that hosted us and were excellent tour guides. We also spent some time in Salzburg. Highlights include the Sound of Music Bike tour (my favorite movie), cheese sausage, lots of misprounced German, ribs, palaces, cathedrals and cheese sausage (as you can see by the four photos devoted to this scrumptious pork delight).
Dinner at Grunspan Beer Garden
Schonbrunn Palace
Schonbrunn Palace - notice the beer in Spanky's hand - you could drink everywhere in Austria (yea, Spanky was pretty darn excited)
Shopping Street in Vienna
St. Stephen's Cathedral - they had some pretty awesome crypts below that we toured but no photos allowed :(
So, we got to attend Europe's premiere AIDS Ball - Life Ball (sort of) - it took place right by Gaby and Miguel's house so we wandered over to observe the spectacle when they opened the gates and let in all the poor by-standers - we got to see Bill Clinton, Eva Longoria, Pam Anderson, and performances by Katy Perry - it was pretty crazy - they didn't let us in the actual ball though :(
Spanky finished off two racks of ribs - they were huge (see below for the before picture)
Spanky in action
Before the ribs were devoured - I couldn't even finish off one, but lucky for me, Spanky finished his two racks and the rest of one of mine
Stopped by the Opera Toilet after the beers consumed during sightseeing - I didn't go into the bathroom, but apparently its just a normal toilet - not as elaborate as the entrance with the music
Cheese Sausage - Spanky couldn't even wait until I took the picture
Cheese Sausage without the bun
The first of many cheese sausages in Vienna - they were a little hot - see Spanky and Miguel's expressions in the next two photos
Yep, Miguel, it's hot

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