We celebrated Spanky's Birthday at Trusty's and Top of the Hill. I think that he had a good birthday even though he couldn't convince everyone to have a shot of moonshine - probably for the better :). My camera died, but here's a few pictures from the celebration:
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Snow Day!
Friday, March 6, 2009
So, the big day has arrived - we're so excited and out the door at 7 am to get in line - go to the bottom and read up to hear all about our Inauguration Day/ Weekend saga...
And now, we have the long walk home and we only had to go about 1 mile from the mall to Bekah's apartment. I can't imagine the commute for the poor folks who had to get back on the Metro or train to Virginia or Maryland - I still hyper-venilate a little in crowds
Even though we were close to the Capitol, we couldn't see anything or hear anything so we walked back to the Washington Monument to watch the inauguration on a jumbo tron....it wasn't the view that we imagined after scoring our coveted tickets, but still so thankful and glad that we could be there to witness history.

We got close...
So, we didn't get in the ticketed section, but we got pretty close:

And then we hit this next mob of people and no one even knew which direction the checkpoint was located - not even the Capitol Police - did I mention that they were really nice and helpful?
And we bust through to the next security checkpoint (and I really do mean bust through) - looking back to the mob behind us across Independence Ave

The not-so-nice nor helpful Capitol Police - there's the Silver Gate - so close yet so far...

The line turned to the mob as the inauguration time got closer and closer - all these people were behind us in line:
The nice, somewhat-orderly line for the Silver Gate:

The motely crew - full of hope - oh so disillusioned...

We've got the golden (or silver) tickets! Once we scored them at the Senate offices, I did feel a little like I was in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and should be holding them up screaming, "I've got the golden ticket" - here's the tickets and inspecting them in line at 8 am on the big day...

We got close...
And then we hit this next mob of people and no one even knew which direction the checkpoint was located - not even the Capitol Police - did I mention that they were really nice and helpful?

The not-so-nice nor helpful Capitol Police - there's the Silver Gate - so close yet so far...

The line turned to the mob as the inauguration time got closer and closer - all these people were behind us in line:

The motely crew - full of hope - oh so disillusioned...

We've got the golden (or silver) tickets! Once we scored them at the Senate offices, I did feel a little like I was in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and should be holding them up screaming, "I've got the golden ticket" - here's the tickets and inspecting them in line at 8 am on the big day...

So, Spanky and I had tickets and had to pick them up from Senator Pryor's Office on Monday. Jo and their friend, Brian, went with me and casually mentioned to the guy in front of them that they didn't have tickets - he happened to be the chair of the DNC in Utah and gave us two silver tickets - score!
Then, when we went in the building, we realized that other offices were giving out their extra tickets and then, it became a game of how many tickets can we get - it was crazy - people we running from office to office to see if they had extra tickets - one guy stopped Jo and I and asked in a whisper - so you guys looking for tickets? (almost in a voice that a drug dealer might use to ask if you're looking to score some heroin or something - it was hysteria) - he directed us to an office downstairs where they were rumored to be tickets so off we ran with everyone else in that direction to learn that we needed a CA ID, which none of us had, so we decided to focus our search on Illinois, Maryland and Arkansas. We ended up getting an additional four tickets - it was crazy - but read next segment to find out how useful those tickets actually were...
Uncle Greg Gets Married!!
My uncle Greg had been dating Cheri for at least 15 years so this wedding was a huge event for and we so happy that it finally happened!! Here's some pictures from the big event in Melbourne in November 2008. It was so wonderful to witness the wedding and visit with family - we are so happy for Greg and Cheri!

We never thought that we'd see a ring on this finger:

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