Bekah, Shawna and I at Argonaut.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
June Highlights
So, I'm pretty behind on an update so here's a few from June including my 30th birthday:
I have always wanted stained glass numbers for out house to go in the transom above our door. I have hinted and hinted for years about this gift and I finally got it (sort of). Spanky didn't want to pick it our for me so he arranged glass beer bottles in the front year to say our street number "403" and then "Happy 30 Erin" with a smiley face at the bottom. I had taken my parents to their hotel so I came back and found it in the yard. He did a good job and I finally get my stained glass! above picture is Chandler and I are posing with the masterpiece along with my balloon and wine from him - below picture is Spanky with his work of art

Mom put a pink flamingo in our yard so everyone would know that it's my birthday - she's says that it's a tradition in Texas, but I don't remember one from my first 18 birthdays in Texas...she also bought me a tiara and feather boa to wear at the restaurant and she decorated the restaurant...she has those photos and we'll see if they get released

It has rained and rained and rained and rained here - not just sprinkles, but down pour almost every day - we do not get these type of weather in DC and while, it's been nice for the plants, it really sucks
Tomatoes!! So, I had a miserably failed attempt to grow tomatoes in 2007 so I am trying again. I have to put the plant on the patio table so that it will get enough sun. This is when I first saw the two tomatoes - they had been growing great and one was even turning red until I looked outside this morning and saw that one had been taken by those bastard squirrels - Spanky offered to take care of that problem if I'd just get him a pellet gun - I am seriously considering after they took my prize tomato - they better not take the other one or it's on...
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