Monday, November 7, 2011

It's a girl!

That's right - there's a Spanketta on the way - the due date is Februrary 9th.  So, if you're keeping track, this baby's been to six countries, but I'm done traveling for a bit.  I've been really lucky and skipped the nauseousness of the first trimester.  I've been terrible about taking belly pics. - promise to do better - here's one at 24 weeks:

And a headless attempt at 26 weeks - sorry it's so fuzzy:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


We went to Nashville for the Arkansas/Vandy game - managed to get in an Avett brothers concert and saw lots of family and friends. I only managed to get one picture of Spanky displaying his game-day outfit and new "binoculars" that conveniently hold 16 ounces of an adult beverage: