Wednesday, February 22, 2012

She's Here!!

One week late and after 25 hours of labor, Caroline Marie Means finally arrived at 1:59 am on February 16, 2012 weighing 6 lbs 14 oz and measuring 20 in. Here are a few pictures from the hospital. We're settling in at home and just trying to get as much sleep as we can...luckily, she's been a pretty easy-going baby so far...hope it continues (again, apologies for the sideways and upside down pictures - not able to figure it out and prioritizing sleep right now ;)).

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Well, it doesn't look like she'll arrive on schedule, but her crib skirt arrived on her due date so here's a few pictures on the nursery (sorry for the sideways pictures - correctly saved on the computer, but can't get them to upload correctly on the blog):

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Furry Baby

With all the posts on the pregnancy and baby, thought that we need a few of the furry kid - plus, I just downloaded about 2 years of pictures from my phone and wanted to share.

Not sure he has enough sticks:

Cone of Shame:

One of his favorite resting spots:

Guarding the house:

Relaxing on the couch - such a tough life: