Sunday, June 16, 2013

Month in Review

So, no real theme here, just some pictures from the past month.  Caroline had her 15 month check-up and weighed 19 lbs 3 oz so still chugging along in the 10 percentile for weight.  All she wants to do is walk and walk and walk and go up stairs and and down stairs and walk and walk and walk...

Can you tell that she likes the pantry?

Waylon gets a ton of affection - he's usually pretty tolerant, but there is only so much affection one dog can take - she loves, loves, loves him:

We took a trip to Portland over Memorial Day.  It was pretty cold and rainy for most of the trip, but we had a great time.  Caroline actually loved the extremely cold rain and wind on the beach.  For you Goonies movie lovers, Haystack rock in the back is featured in the movie (I think that it was Spanky's favorite part of the trip):

Enjoying the warm weather!

Spending her 16-month-old birthday and Father's Day at the park with friends and their Mommies while the Dads played golf: