Thursday, May 31, 2012

Three Months

So, I tried to get a picture on her 3-month birthday and couldn't manage one with a smile and fingers out of the mouth. Here are the "best" ones - there are a lot of outakes...
No trip to the doctor this month so I don't know how much she weighs, but she's definitly growing and gaining weight. She's still in 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. but she's growing out of some outfits length-wise. Since we don't have the weight update, thought I'd post some milestones (some after 3 months, but since I'm late with this update anyways...):

Smiling: started around 6 weeks, but really picked up and in reaction to people/things at 8 weeks
Laughing: you still have to work pretty hard for a laugh, but she started letting out little laughs around 11-12 weeks
Talking: she has a lot to say - the babbling really picked up around 10-11 weeks
Blowing Bubbles: one of her favorites in the evening and when she's really talking - started around 13-14 weeks
Rolling to Side: She rolls to her right side and is close to rolling over all the way over - started around 13-14 weeks
Grasping Objects: She'd been batting at toys on her playmat for a number of weeks, but really started to be able to grab items around 13-14 weeks

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Caroline was baptised on Mother's Day.  My parents and sister were able to be there for the special event.  It was definitely a great first Mother's Day.

She was able to wear the dress that both my Mom and I wore for our baptism:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


She found her thumb:

And then went through the others to see which one she preferred (the pointer finger has won out, but she gums it rather than sucks on it):
And a cute pic in her Trusty's onesie: