Sunday, September 15, 2013

New School

Caroline has been at an in-home daycare since she was 10 weeks old. We really enjoyed having her at the in-home with Gail and Cissy.  They provided a wonderful, warm and loving environment for her and it was especially wonderful when she was so little.  We would have kept her at the daycare, but after 1.5 years on the wait list, we finally got into our preferred daycare in our neighborhood.  You don't get a second chance so we took the spot. We have been on 6 other wait lists for over 2 years and we still have not gotten in to any of them...

It has been a bit of a difficult transition for Caroline - new place, new people, new routine.  We get a report each day on how she did.  At first, we got happy, active and sad, but since that first week, we've gotten reports of only happy and active (although I may have given her a cranky report a time or two).  The daycare is definitely more structured - eat at certain times, nap at certain times, out for walks every day, art projects - we were hoping the structure might help with the napping (since she sometimes didn't take one at all at the old daycare).  So far, it's been better, but she has had no nap or 15-20 minute nap days, but usually her daily report notes about an hour - a huge improvement!  I tried to take some pictures of her last day with Gail and Cissy and her first day at the new daycare, but I didn't have a very cooperative subject either day.

Here's one that was probably taken her first few weeks that she went to daycare with Gail and Cissy (such a sweet, happy baby):

And here I am trying to take a picture of the toddler version (she's yelling "no" at me in both pictures):

This one's better (although you'll have to ignore the Target bag):

These two are from a previous evening during her last week at the old daycare - think that we were going on day #3 of no nap - she fell asleep in her dinner and I was able to change her and put her into bed without her waking up.  

Here she is on the first day of her new daycare.  We were running late as usual so she's finishing some toast and she really just wanted to point out her new shoes - the girl does love her some shoes:

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Summer Fun

We had a great summer.  We tried to take advantage of the warm weather as much as possible - summer always goes by way too fast.  We managed to get in one trip to the beach, visits to splash parks and fun with the water table in our yard.  We also had a little wading pool and sprinkler for the yard, but the water table was the preferred water toy for the summer. Here's are a few lots of pictures from the summer:

We don't have a great neighborhood pool in our area, but we do have some great splash parks.  I was a little worried that Caroline wouldn't like all the water spraying in her face, but she LOVED it!  She would go running towards the water with her hands in the air screaming with glee.  It was hard to capture in a picture (especially without getting soaking wet).

We went to Rehoboth Beach at the end of July for a quick weekend.  It was a nice and relaxing trip.  We managed to include golf, trips to the outlet malls, a visit to the water park and some time at the beach.  I think that all the activity might have worn Caroline out...

Here's just a few more from the park and playing in our yard: