Saturday, June 23, 2012

Four Months

Notables from this month:
  • First plane trip (went to Arkansas and she did pretty well on the flights - didn't sleep, but didn't scream the whole time so we'll call it a success)
  • Meet her Grandpa (Spanky's Dad) and lots of her great aunts and uncles
  • Obsessed with putting everything in her mouth (as you can see from the pictures)
  • Really found her feet (and is in love)
  • Attended her fourth Major League Baseball game
  • Decided it would be fun to see Mommy twice a night (instead of once or none at all and will only accept Mommy - so lovely)
Weight: 13 lbs 1 oz (25%)
Height: 24 1/4 in (50%)


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pretty Outfits

It's finally warm enough to start wearing all her pretty dresses and summer outifts: