Saturday, October 27, 2012

8 months

Some notables from the past month:

- Sits well without support
- Can wave bye-bye (more like a straight arm salute)
- Shakes her head "no"
- Talking away - lots of "dadada" and "bababa"
- Sleeps through the night (about 10 - 11 hours) - yay!!!!!!! (although she is still a terrible napper)
- Attended her 10th Nationals game
- Attended first MLB playoff game and witnessed a walk-off homerun
- Getting in one more tooth - just breaking through (top right)
- Still finicky with solids
- Wearing 6 month clothes

She had a new tooth coming in on her birthday so didn't get any big smiles, but here are a few with the birthday cupcake outfit:

Here are two from two days later - I think that the headband and flower are a bit much - looks a bit like an old lady trying to keep her hair rollers in...

Thursday, October 18, 2012


So, in one picture, I fed her peas and in the other picture, Spanky fed her peas.  Can you guess which is which?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Like Father, Like Daughter

Uh oh, she's taking after Spanky in a few areas:

Loves the remote:

Enjoying a cold one at the baseball game:

Cheering on the Razorbacks at Trusty's: