Monday, July 7, 2014

Busy Spring

Apologies for the lack of posts, but we've had a busy Spring since we sold our house, bought a new house and moved all the way across the street from our old house.  So far, we are loving the new house since it's larger (more bedrooms, bathrooms, larger kitchen and backyard) and most importantly in Caroline's book, her room is pink.  All this happened at the same time that I started at new job at the State Department so life's been a little hectic.  

Caroline update: She is now talking in full sentences (although short and not always intelligible), can count to 10, sings her ABCs along with Twinkle, Twinkle, Old McDonald and the Itsy, Bitsy Spider, loves puzzles and can actually sit still for more than 10 minutes to complete an activity.  

To hopefully make up for the lack of posts, here are lots of pictures from the past few months. 

First, proof that we did sell our house (Minnie Mouse courtesy of Caroline):

Spring time fun outside:

Easter pictures (complete with an Easter basket, egg hunt and a failed attempt at a family picture):

Memorial Day fun in the front yard at the old house:

Reading with Nana who was in town to help us move (and was a HUGE help):

Coloring at her new table in the new house:

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